Suit for restitution of conjugal rights---Respondent when appeared and submitted her written statement claimed ......

 2016 P.L.R. 58

Art. 199---W.P. Family Courts Act, 1964, S. 9---Suit for restitution of conjugal rights---Respondent when appeared and submitted her written statement claimed dissolution of marriage etc.---Changed circumstances---Amended list of witnesses---Not only petitioners’ request for production of additional evidence was turned down, so much so, his list annexed was also rejected---Impugned order---Validity---Judge Family Court is empowered to allow either of the parties to call any of the witnesses at any later stage if it considers such evidence expedient to the interest of justice---Impugned order was not only misconceived but also was illegal and based on misreading and wrong interpretation of law on subject---Impugned order was set aside and Trial Court was decided to examine the witnesses mentioned in the application filed by petitioner---Writ petition accepted.


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