The rights of the parents for their children and the obligations of the children for their parents have been described in detail............

 The rights of the parents for their children and the obligations of the children for their parents have been described in detail in the Holy Quran.Then the individual right of mother and father also have been described in the HolyQuran as well as in the Ahadees. It is for the parents, mother and father, individually to think whether they are abiding by the orders of Allah and they are living within the limits described by the Sharia. Islam has given a complete code of life where the duties, obligations of every relation has been described in detail. Even the minors thinks/acts of the social norms have been described in detail by the Sharia. The Constitution of islamic Republic of Pakistan guarantees that every law of the land will be in accordance with Quran and Sunnah and there will be no deviation from the Ahkam of Allah and Rasool Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The purpose of the law of Guardian & Wards Act, 1890 is to regulate the rights of the minors who are unfortunately disturbed due to the separation of their parents or due to any other incident like death of their parents or death of any of them. Our social life is based on some customs and traditions of the region. Even in a region where different tribes/casts are residing, every caste/tribe has its own customs. The law respects all the traditions/customs of the individual caste if those are not contrary to the law of land. The G& W Act, 1890 also regulates and conscious about the welfare of the minors. Therefore, the principles of the custody of minors have been chalked out through the different provisions of the Statute and these are to be strictly followed because the welfare of the Minor...

Therefore,principles of the custody of minors have been chalked out through the different provisions of the Statute and these are to be strictly followed because the welfare of the minor is the supreme consideration of the Statute.There is no denial that the relation of father and mother is a touchy matter which is attached the emotions/sentiments based on reality..
.. continued

W.P. No.17918 of 2014.
Mst. Safia Bibi etc v/s Addl.D.J etc
2021 LHC 3454


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