Gold Ornament Returned to wife was not justified. Case remanded to family court to decide issue of 25 Tola of Gold.

2024 YLR 1451

--S. 5, Sched.---Gold ornaments, return of---Proof---Misreading and non-reading of evidence---Petitioner/ex-husband was aggrieved of concurrent findings of two Courts below in favour of respondent/ex-wife directing him to return 25 Tolas of Gold---Validity---Impugned finding to return 25 Tolas of gold to respondent/ex-wife was not correct---Such finding did not confirm with record produced in proceedings and was contrary to record---High Court set aside such finding in the judgment as the same was not proper exercise of jurisdiction vested in two Courts below---High Court remanded the matter to Family Court to decide issue of 25 Tolas of gold---Constitutional petition was allowed accordingly. [Sindh]


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