Maintenance allowance of the minors---Financial status of the father--- Proof---Notwithstanding the fact that the respondent (plaintiff/mother) was unable to procure and bring on record salary slip of ...............

 Maintenance allowance of the minors---Financial status of the father--- Proof---Notwithstanding the fact that the respondent (plaintiff/mother) was unable to procure and bring on record salary slip of the petitioner, he himself was obliged to bring on record reliable and trustworthy record/documents disclosing his monthly salary---Petitioner though had produced (got exhibited) in evidence his alleged salary slip, but said salary slip by no means qualified standards to attain trustworthy status for reliance on certain counts; one that it did not conform with minimum standards of wages, and second that it was a document handed out and produced by the petitioner himself, which from the face of it appeared to be a computer generated copy lacking any sort of verification on behalf of the petitioner's employer---To prove said document (salary slip), the petitioner could have easily adduced his bank statement of the salary account, transpiring exact deposits from his company on account of his salary; he could have also produced his employer or any other authorized official of the company in support of sanctity, truthfulness and genuine status of said document (salary slip)-Petitioner's employer or his authorized official, whilst appearing in witness box, could have brought on record bank and tax record to head of his salary---However, the petitioner did not do the same and only produced said two documents (salary slip and salary account opening form) for proving his salary, which attempt fells short on account of no evidentiary value attached to both said documents... Though the provisions of Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984 are not stricto sensu applicable to family matters, but exhibited salary slip was bereft of any strength and evidentiary value---If salary slip had been an official/attested/verified document, then situation would have been different, but genuine origination and sanctity of exhibited salary slip was not of required standards for being relied upon---In the circumstances, the Courts below had no option but to believe the evidence produced by the respondent (plaintiff / mother) regarding immediate necessities of claimants of maintenance allowance and fixing up same keeping in light the petitioner's obligations as well---No ground whatsoever was available to substitute the concurrent findings of courts below.

Syed ZAIN MUNTAZAR MEHDI versus Mst. SARA NAQVI and othersWrit Petition No.370 of 2024
2024 CLC 1580


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